Gwen Stefani – Age 49


With the many online classes about skincare routine today, it can be confusing to choose which one to follow. Fortunately, Gwen Stefani has a foolproof way to help you achieve the same ageless look that she has. So many celebrities in Hollywood even praise Gwen for always taking good care of her skin.

According to Gwen, one of the things that help her maintain youthful skin is using sufficient sunscreen. By doing so, she can help protect her skin against the harmful UV rays of the sun. She also recommends cleaning your face at the end of the night, no matter how tired you feel. Letting your makeup sit on your face while you sleep can damage your skin’s health. Her look is so timeless that she can still compete with younger performers today. She doesn’t even look like she’s in her 50’s! Clearly, she knows what she’s talking about when it comes to dodging the age train.
