Christie Brinkley – Age 65


Christie Brinkley is an American model who looks nowhere near 66. She has youthful, glowing skin, which makes her fans wonder what skincare secrets she holds. Whatever it may be, one thing is for sure; Christie surely knows how to use her investment money in some quality products and nutrition.

From what we have gathered, Christie only consumes organic food since she is a vegan. That may be one reason for her youthful glow. In one of her interviews, she also thanked her dogs for being the source of her pleasure and joy. Being around the right environment that stimulates your growth and happiness will always make you feel pretty. Couple that with a healthy diet, and you have yourself a perfect recipe for agelessness.  She keeps aging at bay, and she continues to find pleasure in the little things. Her entire outlook has turned positive, too, because she has constant sources of happiness.
